Working capital is measured based on efficiency of a business and its short term financial position. Every month, business owners need to meet current liabilities or short-term debts such as payment to vendors, suppliers, payroll, accounts payable or bills in order to stay afloat. To efficiently manage expenses, working capital should never keep declining over a long period of time.Read more
The 3 Biggest Challenges of Small Businesses Entrepreneurs
Challenges faced by small business owners in performing day-to-day operations range from funding payrolls to arranging funds for business endeavors. For most of the small business owners, the biggest challenge is likely monthly expenses versus income. But now with three federal rate hikes, the situation is likely to become more difficult to access credit.Read more
How Small Business Owners Can Bridge the Working Capital Gap
Working capital is a tricky thing to manage and not to mention, boring, too. The definition itself is an equation of business terms current assets minus current liabilities which requires even more definitions. Currents assets are the resources that can be converted into cash within a year, while current liabilities are your company’s debt obligations that need to be repaid in a year. Basically, something that affects all companies, big or small, in any industry in any part of the world.Read more
Control Your Cash Flow, Control Your Business
Cash flow is the lifeline for any growing business and maintaining positive cash flow is essential to keep operations running smoothly. Negative cash flow usually comes from one of two places: not enough working capital and slow receivable collections. These things lead to great stressors on any business, like settling outstanding debts, paying salaries, purchasing equipment, or, worst of all, keeping the company’s doors open.Read more
Looking to Grow Your Small Business? Here Are 3 Tips to Help You Reach Your Goals
Even though it is all about finding new opportunities and expanding the customer base, business growth can be both stressful and exciting. Small business owners, when they desire to take their business beyond the bare sustenance level, have to refocus on their plans and strategies on how they approach success.Read more
Access Tomorrow’s Money Today: How to Avoid Outstanding Lines of Credit for Your Small Business
Small businesses that are cash-strapped and finding it hard to secure funds from investors can opt for a line of credit (LOC). Under this arrangement, the borrower has to repay the creditor, the bank or financial institution through monthly payments.Read more
What Does Underbanked Mean Anyway? Here’s How It Impacts Small Business
No one wants to be underbanked, especially small business owners. Looking for a financial service at the most needed hour is one of the toughest problems a business owner can face. According to Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 51 million Americans are underbanked, which means they don’t have access to adequate financial services.Read more
Small Business is Big Business in Many Parts of the U.S. - Here’s Why
Small businesses are considered the backbone of the United States, and micro businesses being the subset of the small business community, contribute the same. In addition to providing global economic stability, small businesses are creating jobs while keeping the economy moving in the smaller geographic locations. As per the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses make up for 99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms.Read more
How to Leverage Your Own Money for Your Small Business Growth
Many entrepreneurs prefer to use their personal funds instead of obtaining traditional loans. Traditional loans can be difficult to obtain, include a tiresome process, and come with an interest rate. If you have sufficient funds, choosing to use personal funds in your savings, retirement accounts, or equity in properties is a better option. Over 50% of small business start-ups are started with personal funds. Here are few options on how you can leverage your own money and grow your business.Read more
Are You Underbanked? You’re not alone
Businesses run smoothly when there is a healthy cash flow. Quite often, small businesses are crippled by inadequate cash flows. As a result, entrepreneurs, who start with great ideas, find it difficult to run day-to-day operations efficiently and eventually fail to progress in their ventures.Read more